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Поиск → Mutiny!

English  Foreign books 

«Mutiny!», B. Trickland and T. Fuller

Marian, Москва

Мягкий переплет, прекрасное состояние

Fourteen-year-old Irish orphan Davy Shea is shipped off to Jamaica to live with his uncle Patch, a surgeon with a somewhat mysterious past. Patch takes Davy as an apprentice, and when Patch is hired as the surgeon on the Royal Navy frigate HMS Retribution, Davy goes along. When Lieutenant William Hunter, Patch's best friend on the ship, leads a failed mutiny, Uncle Patch is found guilty by association, and he is condemned to death along with the other mutineers. The rebels escape, however, and they steal a sloop, hoisting the Jolly Roger once they are out to sea. But things aren't quite what they seem: Patch and Hunter (think adult writer Patrick O'Brian's characters Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin) turn out to be secret agents, and the uprising is part of an elaborate scheme to rid the Caribbean of pirates. Readers set for swashbuckling historical adventure will be a little disappointed by this first volume in a planned series, as there's a great deal of rather ponderous background. But things pick up in the final pages (Davy joins his uncle on a pirate-hunting voyage), leaving the possibility for more action in the books to come

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