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Поиск → The stolen

English  Foreign books 

«The stolen», Alex Shearer

Marian, Москва

Мягкая обложка, 260 стр., нормальное состояние

A powerful, spooky and disturbing novel, full of dark twists and turns, from the author of The Great Blue Yonder. Eleven-year-old Carly is lonely. She's short with red hair and freckles, and she'd love to be different - like Meredith, the new girl in her class. But although Meredith is tall and willowy, and quite clever and a talented actress, there's something not quite right about her. Meredith is an orphan who lives with her elderly granny. But Meredith is clearly in charge. And when Carly finds herself chatting to Meredith's wrinkly granny one afternoon, she hears a story that she cannot bring herself to believe. A story about an old witch and a willowy young girl - a young life stolen; an eleven-year-old trapped in an elderly body. 'Meredith' is not Meredith at all. Meredith is stuck in Granny's body - and needs Carly's help to escape...

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