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Поиск → Dracula (подарочное издание)

Классика  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«Dracula (подарочное издание)», Bram Stoker

Elegance du herisson, Москва

Великолепное подарочное издание. Книга в суперобложке с трехсторонним золотым обрезом и с ляссе.

Jonathan Harker, a young solicitor, is summoned by the mysterious Count Dracula to his castle in Transylvania to finalise a property deal. Little does Harker suspect that by signing over English property to the count he is unleashing a terrible evil on his fellow countrymen.
Against this threat, Dr Van Helsing forms his team of vampire slayers, pitting telegrams, trains and revolvers against Dracula's army of ghouls and lunatics. In this story of a prim and arrogant society threatened by a supernatural force, Stoker captured the fears of his age. Dracula represents everything the Victorians feared: the irrational, the pagan, the erotic and the foreign.
"Dracula" has been imitated and adapted for cinema many times. It remains as exciting and relevant today as when first published in 1897.

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