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Поиск → The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll

Классика  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll», Lewis Carroll

Elegance du herisson, Москва

All of Lewis Carroll's stories, verses, puzzles, acrostics, "phantasmagoria" and other comic writings illustrated by John Tenniel.
Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) is famed for his magical stories, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, here illustrated throughout the inner pages by Sir John Tenniel's much loved drawings. However, inspired by the insatiable Victorian appetite for party games, tricks and conundrums, this eccentric and polymathical Englishman also wrote many other works of a humorous, witty, whimsical and nonsensical nature such as the mock-heroic nonsense verse The Hunting of the Snark, as well as dozens of other verses, stories, acrostics and puzzles, all of which are included in this omnibus volume. Oxford scholar, Church of England Deacon, University Lecturer in Mathematics and Logic, academic author of learned theses, gifted pioneer of portrait photography, colourful writer of imaginative genius and yet a shy and pedantic man, Lewis Carroll stands preeminent in the pantheon of inventive literary geniuses.

Формат: 15 см х 23 см.

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