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Поиск → Memories of Another Day

English  Foreign books 

«Memories of Another Day», Harold Robbins

marina1001, Москва

This is one of Harold Robbins' best and definitely worth reading. It's a delicious novel covering the life of a man from a poor family of farmers, from his teenager years as a coal miner to his death as one of the most powerful union leaders in the USA. The story of this man, Daniel Boone Huggins, is presented as his youngest son goes after his birth land and gets in touch with his father's origins, seeking to understand his father's ways in life. As usual with Robbins' books, real life characters get mixed in the story (Jimmy Hoffa is one of them), helping to improve the interest in the narration. Cutting to the chase: if you loved Mario Puzo's "The Godfather", go for this one.

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