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Поиск → A Girl Thing

«A Girl Thing», Sarah O'Brien
Jamie Ryan, willowy 6' Fab Radio DJ, is more confident predicting scores than scoring, and when it comes to girlish pursuits she prefers to kick to touch. But when suave and sophisticated Steve Lowe joins the team at Fab City, Jamie's interest in the secrets of 'girl-land' is suddenly aroused. She enlists the help of Sophie, friend, boss and resident expert at all things girlie. Who knows, it might even help take her mind off her beloved brother's strange disappearance some 18 months earlier. Then Jamie thinks she sees her brother in the park, and hires a private detective to find him. As a succession of chaotic events unfolds, Jamie learns that there are some secrets even more elusive than how to walk in high heels, and that the perfect disguise does not always come in a make-up bag ...

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