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Поиск → The Dollar and The Gun

English  English  Foreign books  Изучение языков 

«The Dollar and The Gun», Shlomo Kalo

Кадет, Москва

На английском языке. Nranslated from Hebrew by Ph. Simpson, UK.
Printed in Izrael 1999, 166 страниц, состояние отличное. плотная бумага.
Stories of exeptional structure, content,style,subject, internal and external tension. An emphatic opening which, while doing nothing to prepare the reader for the shorks which are to follow,breaches all the restrains of convensioal perception, calling to mind, by way of satire, that of which the reader least wants to be reminded. The endreslt is an utterly overwhelming expirience.
Each story has a firm documentary basis, making it a prophetic warning for the future, a future which will be far from rosy if the primitive lust for power and dominion cjntinues to prevail.
This is a story that is charged, poetis, sharp and disturbing, exposing a cruel reality in which every one will recognize himself with ease.
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