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Поиск → An Outline of American Government

«An Outline of American Government», USIA
An Outline of
~ I ~
The Constitution: An Enduring Document
Benjamin Franklin's Rising Sun George Washington as Chairman
The Bill of Rights The Debate Over Slavery
~ II ~
Explaining the Constitution: The Federalist Papers
~ III ~
The Executive Branch: Powers of the Presidency
The Presidency The Cabinet
~ IV ~
The Legislative Congress
Standing, or Permanent, Committees of Congress
Little Legislatures
~ V ~
The Judicial Branch: Interpreting the Constitution
~ VI ~
A Country of Many Governments
~ VII ~
Fundamentals of American Government
Citizens' Groups and Lobbies
Hearing the Voice of the People: Referendums and Initiatives
~ VIII ~
Brief Reading List in American Government
~ I ~
The Constitution: An Enduring Document
Benjamin Franklin's Rising Sun George Washington as Chairman
The Bill of Rights The Debate Over Slavery
~ II ~
Explaining the Constitution: The Federalist Papers
~ III ~
The Executive Branch: Powers of the Presidency
The Presidency The Cabinet
~ IV ~
The Legislative Congress
Standing, or Permanent, Committees of Congress
Little Legislatures
~ V ~
The Judicial Branch: Interpreting the Constitution
~ VI ~
A Country of Many Governments
~ VII ~
Fundamentals of American Government
Citizens' Groups and Lobbies
Hearing the Voice of the People: Referendums and Initiatives
~ VIII ~
Brief Reading List in American Government

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