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Поиск → Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives

Foreign books  Психология  Саморазвитие 

«Meditation: Classic and Contemporary Perspectives», Edited by Deane H. Shapiro, Jr., and Roger N. Walsh

marina1001, Москва

Hardcover, 722 pages Aldine Publishing Co.1984
ISBN 0-202-25136-5
FOR THE FIRST TWO-THIRDS of the twentieth century, yoga and meditation were almost completely ignored by university researchers, despite the fact that these activities pose questions of obvious interest for numerous academic disciplines including psychology, psychiatry, physiology, religion, and anthropology.
This changed very suddenly in the late sixties. Almost overnight, a torrent of research papers began to appear on these topics in respected peer-reviewed journals. By the end of the 1970s, more than one thousand had been published.
The main cause of this dramatic change was, of course, the sixties counterculture. This was the decade when psychedelic drugs including LSD and mescaline became a fad, provoking widespread interest in altered states of consciousness, which in turn stimulated experimentation with yoga and meditation. The whole dynamic was neatly embodied in the spiritual odyssey of the Beatles, the most popular rock stars of the day, who, after using LSD for several years, went to India as disciples of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation.
The surging interest in meditation extended beyond the popular culture into classrooms and laboratories. As researchers published papers about meditation, universities offered courses about it and students signed up for them. By 1984 this virtuous cycle was sufficiently mature to lure Aldine, a publisher of textbooks, into releasing a fat anthology of the best papers published on the subject so far.

Толстенный талмуд, довольно научный. Скорее всего, будет интересен для психологов и психотерапевтов.

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