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Поиск → The last family

«The last family», John Ramsey Miller
A thriller that goes way beyond its genre - not only enthralling and exciting, but like all great art suggesting something more meaningful running underneath. Satisfying viscerally, intellectaully and emotionally, few thrillers and 'serious' novels can match this. An instant classic -utterly relentless and unique in its power.
A flawless debut, that has to date failed to be followed by a second book (although a rumoured follow-up is due late '03). A great thriller and a great novel period, this is pure class through and through, and can be read again and again.
A flawless debut, that has to date failed to be followed by a second book (although a rumoured follow-up is due late '03). A great thriller and a great novel period, this is pure class through and through, and can be read again and again.

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