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Поиск → The Wrecker

Приключения  English  Foreign books  Художественная литература 

«The Wrecker», Clive Cussler and Justin Scott

Татьяна, Москва

Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd., 2010 г. Язык англ (не америк)
Сюжет: 1907: train wrecks, fires and explosions sabotage the Southern Pacific Railroad's new express line...
The desperate railroad hires the fabled Van Dorn Detective Agency, who send their best man, Isaac Bell. He quickly; discovers that a saboteur calling himself the Wrecker is king the Southern Pacific with accomplices recruited from down-and-outs - who are killed afterwards. The Wrecker strikes wherever he pleases, causing untold mage and loss of human life. Who is he? What does want? Is he an anarchist? A revolutionary? A criminal mastermind?
Whoever he is, whatever his motives, the Wrecker knows how to create havoc. And Bell is convinced he is building up to a grand act unlike anything he has committed before.
If the Wrecker isn't stopped in time, more than a railroad is at risk - the future of the entire country is on the line…

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