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Поиск → Who you know

English  Foreign books 

«Who you know», Theresa Alan

Марина, Москва

Rette. I'd always imagined being the sort of adventurous girl who'd have an affair with a dark-eyed stranger on the Eurail. Instead, I'm getting married, planning the wedding of my mom's dreams, and searching for a dress that can cover my size 14 body without making me look like a toilet paper cover...Jen. Waking up with a searing hangover on a workday? Not good. Waking up to discover you're not alone in bed is ohmygod not good. I'll admit that lately I've been a bit out of control. But I'm going to get it together, I promise. Right after I make that cute guy from IT into my love slave...Avery. Asleep on the couch at ten o'clock - just another Saturday night for me. Maybe there's no such thing as romance. Maybe it's just a concept created by marketing executives to sell perfume, candles, and weekend getaways. Still, hope springs eternal. And it's got to be better than working for a living...right? Against the backdrop of Colorado's majestic mountains, three friends are about to discover that dating can be more fun than a root canal, every job has its silver lining, and who you know may not only take you places - it may give you the best times of your life...

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