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Поиск → Grammar and vocabulary for first certificate With Key

Учебники  English  Нехудожественная литература  Изучение языков 

«Grammar and vocabulary for first certificate With Key», Luke Prodromou

Koritsa, Москва

Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate: With Key:
# Designed for Upper Intermediate students. An innovative approach particularly relevant to the Cambridge First Certificate Exam (FCE).
# Thorough grammar review. Detailed information concentrating on points tested in the exam, and a wealth of examples based on the Longman corpus.
# A focus on vocabulary. Concentration on word formation, confusable words, and on common words and phrases that are useful in numerous situations.
# Lots of opportunity to practise. A wide variety of exercises to confirm understanding and prepare for the FCE exam, particularly Paper 3.
# Continuous testing in exam format. A diagnostic test for each Unit and regular tests in exam format to check progress.
# A flexible approach. Can be used in many different ways; clear cross-references point you in the direction of related grammar or vocabulary areas.

Книжка 2004 года Немного помята обложка и есть пометки карандашом


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