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Поиск → The European Central Bank - History, role and functions (2nd revised edition)

Экономика, Финансы, Инвестиции  English  Справочники и Энциклопедии  Нехудожественная литература  Бизнес-книги  Foreign books 

«The European Central Bank - History, role and functions (2nd revised edition)», Hanspeter K. Scheller

Владимир, Москва

Состояние новое, не б/у (отличное +), пахнет типографской краской :-)
Твёрдый переплёт, 2006 год, на английском языке

A comprehensive 200-page overview of the ECB from its inception in June 1998 until the present day. The author was a senior manager of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) and, until his retirement, of the ECB.

1. EMU, the ECB and the euro.
2. Central banking in EMU: legal, institutional and organisational aspects.
3. ECB policies and Eurosystem activities.
4. The ECB and the European Community.
5. The ECB's involvement in international cooperation.
6. The ECB as a corporate entity: excerpts from the Treaty establishing the European Community, the Protocol on the Statute of the ESCB and of the ECB. Bibliography, glossary.


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