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Поиск → cambridge english for schools in russia
«cambridge english for schools in russia», Littlejohn, A. & Hicks, D.
This course for young students is a success story all over the world, winning praise for its innovative approach that really does work. The Teacher's Book is clear and comprehensive and includes an 'A-Z of Methodology' reference section. Videos and tests are also available for all levels of the course.
Levels 1-4 contain around 80 hours of class work depending on the various options used. The Starter Level provides around 40-60 hours of class work
Enjoyable activities encourage all students to take part, whatever their level.
A wide variety of topics provides cross-curricular interest.
The clear structure and active approach get students using new grammar quickly.
The popular 'Parcel of English' scheme puts classes from different countries in touch with each other.
The clear and comprehensive Teacher's Book with its 'A-Z of Methodology', and provides plenty of support, while the Tests help measure progress.
Videos, available for all levels of the course, are a fun and flexible class resource.
Audio is available in both British English and American Voices.
* с небольшими пометами на нескольких листах!
This course for young students is a success story all over the world, winning praise for its innovative approach that really does work. The Teacher's Book is clear and comprehensive and includes an 'A-Z of Methodology' reference section. Videos and tests are also available for all levels of the course.
Levels 1-4 contain around 80 hours of class work depending on the various options used. The Starter Level provides around 40-60 hours of class work
Enjoyable activities encourage all students to take part, whatever their level.
A wide variety of topics provides cross-curricular interest.
The clear structure and active approach get students using new grammar quickly.
The popular 'Parcel of English' scheme puts classes from different countries in touch with each other.
The clear and comprehensive Teacher's Book with its 'A-Z of Methodology', and provides plenty of support, while the Tests help measure progress.
Videos, available for all levels of the course, are a fun and flexible class resource.
Audio is available in both British English and American Voices.
* с небольшими пометами на нескольких листах!

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