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Поиск → The Deep Blue Goodbye

English  Foreign books 

«The Deep Blue Goodbye», John D.MacDonald

marina1001, Москва

John D MacDonald died in 1986 but left a legacy of 19 Travis McGee crime novels which deserve a wider public, if this introductory novel is typical. It's fast and funny with plenty of action, it's very well written and has a real hero, a real villain and an original idea. Travis McGee early decided he couldn't wait until old age for retirement, so he has invented a lucrative but intermittent way of raising large sums of money and when not engaged in this he just enjoys himself. His method is inventive: he contacts, or is contacted by, someone who has 'lost' something valuable, locates it, retrieves it and takes half of the value as his fee. He's well-equipped for the job: a likeable loner, he lives on a moveable houseboat - won in a gambling game - in Lauderdale and drives an converted Rolls Royce pick-up truck. He's tough, fast on his feet, a quick thinker and very charming, quite capable of being a knight in shining armour where damsels in distress are concerned. Cathy Kerr is a down on her luck dancer whose father was robbed of a fortune while he was in gaol by a fellow prisoner. Now he's dead and Cathy needs the money. But the thief is at large - and so is the treasure. It's a commission right up Travis's street: difficult, probably highly dangerous, needing patience and diligence as well as ingenuity and toughness and full of complications; but very satisfying. A story to be read at a sitting, which leaves the reader wanting more - much more. (Kirkus UK)

Product Description
Travis McGee, beach bum and 'salvage expert' (he'll retrieve what you've lost for 50 per cent), lives on a houseboat in Fort Lauderdale. Instead of taking retirement at sixty, he takes it in chunks as he goes along. If he likes you he'll help you, and he likes Cathy Kerr, who has been robbed of everything but her dignity...the first in the series establishes the fast-talking, wisecracking standard MacDonald maintained for over 20 years.

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