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Поиск → Buddha Nature

English  Философия  Эзотерика  Нехудожественная литература  Foreign books 

«Buddha Nature», Geshe Sonam Rinchen

ollesik, Москва

Do all living beings ultimately become enlightened? Do we have Buddha nature, the seed of enlightenment? These questions concerning an ordinary living being's potential to become a Buddha, the purest form of existence, are the main topic of this book. Based on the views of the three major Buddhist schools of Buddhist philosophy-Vaibhasika, Cittamatri and Madhyamaka - Geshe Sonam Rinchen explains how our minds, though stained by temporary defilements, are innately pure, luminous and cognizant and how we can become aware of the mind's clear light nature.

Buddha Nature, Geshe Sonam Rinchen, LTWA, Paperback, 2003, 66 pages


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