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Поиск → White hot

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«White hot», Sandra Brown

Игорь, Москва

Ten years ago Sayre Lynch escaped from her small Louisiana hometown. Now she must return to Destiny to bury her brother, and confront her manipulative father and the painful memories she attempted to flee.

As investigators raise questions about the nature of Danny's death, Sayre examines the turbulent relationships within her own family. Complicating her attempts to learn exactly how her brother died is Beck Merchant, her father's brilliant and canny attorney, who seems every bit as corrupt as her father. Yet despite her low opinion of Beck, Sayre finds herself irresistibly drawn to him.

Tension between the workforce and management is mounting in Sayre's father's steel mill. While another hotbed of lies, secrecy and depravity smoulders and then ignites within his own family . . .


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