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Поиск → Kahlo

Other languages  Мемуары и Биографии  Нехудожественная литература  Foreign books 

«Kahlo», Gerry Souter

Мария, Москва

Книга на испанском.
Новая,твердая обложка.
Картины Фриды Кало и ее биография.
Hidden behind the portraits of Frida Kahlo is the remarkable story of the artist’s life. It is precisely this combination that attracts the spectator. Frida’s work is a testimony of her life. It is not often that one can understand an artist simply by looking within the frame of their paintings. Frida Kahlo is without any doubt Mexico’s gift to art history. She was just eighteen when a terrible accident changed her life forever, leaving her disabled and in constant pain. But her explosive temper, her unwavering determination and her eagerness gave her the strength to develop her artistic talent. At her side there was always the great Mexican painter and muralist Diego Rivera. His compulsive womanizing did not prevent Frida from captivating him with her charms, her talent and her intelligence.

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