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Поиск → Cecelia Ahern

Современная литература  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«Cecelia Ahern», The Time of My Life

Наталия, Москва

Издательство Harper, 2012
492 стр.
Мягкая обложка, хорошее состояние
Lying on Lucy Silchester's carpet one day when she returns from work is a gold envelope. Inside is an invitation - to a meeting with Life. Her life. It turns out she's been ignoring it and it needs to meet with her face to face.
It sounds peculiar, but Lucy's heard of this before. Anyway, she can't make the date: she's much too busy despising her job, lying to her friends and avoiding her family.
It turns out that Lucy's life isn't what it seems. Some of the choices she's made - and stories she's told - aren't what they seem either. From the moment she meets the man who introduces himself as her life, some of these stubborn half-truths are going to be revealed in all their glory - unless Lucy learns to tell the truth about what really matters to her.

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