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Поиск → The Best of Sherlock Holmes

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«The Best of Sherlock Holmes», Arthur Conan Doyle

Мария, Москва

There is something magical about the character of Sherlock Holmes. He is known and loved all over the world. The image of the tall, thin man with a cape, carrying a magnifying glass and wearing a deerstalker is recognized immediately. He is the international icon for the detective, the crime-solver and the righter of wrongs. Since their publication, the stories of Sherlock Holmes have never been out of print; they are available in almost every language in the world and there are even versions in Pitman's shorthand and Braille. The Best of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twenty of the very best tales from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fifty-six short stories featuring the arch-sleuth. Basing his selection around the list of the author's own twelve personal favorites, David Stuart Davies has added a further eight stories to Doyle's "Baker Street Dozen," creating a unique volume which distills the pure essence of the world's most famous detective. A Wordsworth Classic.

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