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Поиск → A Countryman's Lot

Современная литература  Юмор  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«A Countryman's Lot», Max Hardcastle

Anna Conda, Санкт-Петербург

Max and Vicky Hardcastle have a daydream. One day, they'll sell their cramped city-centre antiques shop and the overflowing upstairs flat and relocate to the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. If they could only find the perfect place to house both family and business, then that fantasy might become a reality...When a smallholding in a remote Dales village comes on the market, it seems like the answer to their prayers. Bullpen Farm might need 'some renovation', but it has an orchard, outbuildings and all the charm they've dreamt of. Before long, the Hardcastles find themselves the proud owners of a collection of ramshackle buildings and the newest members of a close-knit community which seems to have more than its fair share of eccentrics. From the antics of the antiques trade to the uproarious incidents of village life, it turns out that rural living isn't quite as tranquil as they'd imaginе.
Мягкая обложка, 246 стр., в отличном состоянии.

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