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Поиск → Managing Across Cultures: Issues and Perspectives (2nd Revised edition)

Менеджмент  English  Учебники  Нехудожественная литература  Бизнес-книги  Foreign books 

«Managing Across Cultures: Issues and Perspectives (2nd Revised edition)», Malcolm Warner, Pat Joynt

lojka, Москва

Managing Across Cultures, an essential guide to cross cultural management, has been fully revised and updated, and includes contributions from many of the most outstanding authors in the field of crosscultural and comparative management, such as Nancy Adler, John Child, Charles Hampden-Turner and Fons Trompenaars, Frank Heller, David Hickson, Geert Hofstede, Fred Luthans, Derek Pugh and Rosalie Tung amongst others. Managing Across Cultures is concerned with crosscultural issues, both generally and also more specifically, in Australia, East Asia, Europe, Latin America and the USA. It examines culture not just in the commonly known sense, i.e. nation-states and regional groupings, but also at a corporate culture level. It looks at how managers, manage across different cultures and how they cope with globalization in practice. This is an indispensable text for both teachers and students of international business and management, as well as international executives; and contains descriptions of the most recent thoughts and insightful ideas on globalization and culture, the culturefree' versus culture-specific' management debates, area-studies and management education practice.

Мягкая обложка, состояние отличное.


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