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Поиск → Walking on air

Советская литература  English  Изучение языков  Художественная литература 

«Walking on air», Christina Jones

pepi2007, Москва

100р. книга немного помята.

An enchanting, exuberant novel, featuring a girl who hates flying adrift in the world of aeronautical acrobatics, by a favourite storyteller.

Billie Pascoe, currently a taxi driver in a country town, takes an impulsive risk when she spends her grandmother’s small legacy on a warehouse on the edge of a small airfield.

But her attempt at business enterprise and at a new image of professional efficiency is marred by her ex-boss’s determination to keep her under control; her friends’ and family’s attempts to find her a suitable mate; and the mystery about her past, complicated by cover-ups.

Among the first items in her warehouse is an old ‘plane waiting to be restored. Billie hates flying, so it is even more surprising that she finds herself offering to perform acrobatic stunts and wing-walking…

Filled with a great cast of characters from her flatmate who runs the local beauty salon to the fellow owners of the neighbouring warehouses, from the unspeakably glamorous air engineer to her redoubtable, interfering mother, Walking on Air is Christina Jones’s most exhilarating novel.

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