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Поиск → The gates of rangitatau

Современная литература  English  Художественная литература  Изучение языков 

«The gates of rangitatau», Robyn Donald

pepi2007, Москва

Обложка другая

I enjoyed this book. It was unusual in that the heroine is in love with another-and about to embark on a physical relationship with him- at the beginning of the book. It also unfolds in two different countries.

The couple in the book had good chemistry and well developed individual and familial complexities. It is one of the rare Harlequins where the couple is shown interacting in family and dating situations before the marriage.

I like the fact that the hero was more willing to put himself out there. When he and the heroine were reunited after a brief initial meeting and separation, he actively courted her. The reader got the distinct impression that these two genuinely liked and respected one another and had more going for them than sex. Which is sadly not the case in the marjority of Harlequins. The writer let the reader in on the couple's journey to love.

Well done.

Why only 3 1/2-4 stars? While the reader was told that the H/h talked for hours and hours and that they shared world views and a sense of humor, I would like to have been given more snippets of these conversations and read scenes where the two shared laughter.

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