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Поиск → Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

English  Здоровье и Медицина  Нехудожественная литература  Foreign books 

«Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology», FU Weikang

Евгения, Москва

Chinese medicine and pharmacology reach far back into history. Their theory and practice are one of the remarkable scientific and cultural legacies handed down from ancient times which have contributed greatly to the health of the Chinese people through the generations, and to the prosperity of the Chinese nation. A wealth of literature exists on traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology which has played an important role in passing on and developing this unique legacy.
This work is written in an informal style so as to introduce to readers the historical background of traditional medicine and pharmacology. This has been done with the hope that it may fill the need or desire of the layman to understand what is meant by Chinese medicine and pharmacology.

Книга в отличном состоянии, мягкая обложка.
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