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Поиск → Kissing England

English  Foreign books 

«Kissing England», Sean Thomas

marina1001, Москва

Alex does sex, Eddie does, drugs, Tony does nine-to-five. They all want Elizabeth. She's Tony's wife. And Eddie's sister. Eddie is a privileged, drugged-up dole cheat; Alex is a lazy, cynical lad-magazine hack bored with writing articles on Why Men Like Burping; Tony has a wife he suspects of sleeping with the entire world except himself. Fifteen years ago they were just three undergraduates sharing hallucinogenic drugs in the lyrical beauty of the English countryside, now they are three semi-professionals sharing worries about love, death, politics, sport, money, children, art, religion, race and schoolgirls. Together and apart they assess their lives, their desires, their sexual exploits, their prejudices and their pride, with a candour and wit that will have the reader squirming with amusement, shock, and recognition.

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