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Поиск → The Prince and the Pauper/Принц и нищий

Детская литература  English  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books  Изучение языков 

«The Prince and the Pauper/Принц и нищий», Mark Twain/ Марк Твен

Анна, Санкт-Петербург

Мягкая обложка, состояние удовлетворительное. Издание 1981 года. Книга адаптированная, в низу сноски, в конце словарик. Идеально подходит для чтения в школе или для начинающих. They are the same age. They look alike. In fact, there is but one difference between them: Tom Canty is a child of the London slums; Edward Tudor is heir to the throne of England. Just how insubstantial this difference really is becomes clear when a chance encounter leads to an exchange of clothing and of roles...with the pauper caught up in the pomp and folly of the royal court, and the prince wandering, horror-stricken, through the lower depths of sixteenth-century English society. Out of the theme of switched identities, Mark Twain fashioned both a scathing attack upon social hypocrisy and injustice and an irresistible comedy imbued with the sense of high-spirited play that belongs to his most creative period.
With an Afterword by Everett Emerson.

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