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Поиск → New Headway English Course: Elementary: Student's Book

«New Headway English Course: Elementary: Student's Book», Джон Сорз, Лиз Сорз
Сохранность хорошая, есть пометки карандашом
New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners.The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help students use English accurately and fluently, and provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series from beginner to advanced.
New Headway Elementary can be used by both true and false beginners. It provides a foundation in the structure of the language, gradually building students' understanding of the basic grammar, vocabulary, and functions of English.
Издание на английском языке.
Формат: 22 см х 27,5 см.
New Headway English Course is a development of the highly successful multi-level Headway series. The original coursebooks have been rewritten to include new features, activities, and, above all, new material to make the learning of English stimulating and motivating for both adult and young adult learners.The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches to help students use English accurately and fluently, and provides a fully comprehensive language teaching series from beginner to advanced.
New Headway Elementary can be used by both true and false beginners. It provides a foundation in the structure of the language, gradually building students' understanding of the basic grammar, vocabulary, and functions of English.
Издание на английском языке.
Формат: 22 см х 27,5 см.

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