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Поиск → The perfumed garden

English  English  Foreign books  Изучение языков 

«The perfumed garden», Shaykh Netzawi

Кадет, Москва

Description: The Chapters are: Concering Praiseworthy Men; Concerning Women who Deserve to be Praised; About Men who are to be Held in Comtempt; About Women who are to be Held in Contempt; Relating to the Act of Generation; Concerning Everything Favourable to the act of Coition; Of matters which are Injurious to the Act of Generation; The Sundry Names given to the Sexual Parts of Men; Sundry Names given to the Sexual Organs of Women; Concerning the Organs of Generation of Animals; On the Deceits and Treacheries of Women; Concerning Sundry Observations useful to know for Men and Women; Concerning the Causes of Enjoyment in the Act of Gereation; Description of the Uterus of Sterile Women, and Treatment of the same; Concerning the Sauses of Impotence in Men; Undoing of Aiguillettes (impotence for a time); Prescriptins for increasing the Dimensions of small members, and for making them splendid; Of Things That Take Away the Bad Smell From the Armpits and Sexual parts of Women and Contract the Latter; Instruction With Regard to Pregnancy and How the Gender of the Child that is to be Born May be Known - That is to Say, Knowledge of the Sex of the Fetus; Forming the conclusion of the Work, and Treating of the Good Effects of Deglutition of Eggs As Favourable to the Coitus; followed by an Appendix to the Autograph Edition.
Paperback. Book Condition : Good. 271 pp. Издание около 1975 года,
малый формат, состояние хорошее. Поменяю, или продам за 50 руб.

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