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Поиск → Twenties Girl

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«Twenties Girl», Sophie Kinsella

Анастасия, Москва

ЗАМЕЧАНИЕ: в книге есть выделения маркером. Сам текст виден.
"Twenties Girl is a little different from my other books, as it’s the only one to feature a ghost! I wondered what readers would think of the idea and was thrilled to get so many amazing comments from readers who loved the main character, Lara, and the feisty flapper-girl-ghost, Sadie.

Lara's great aunt Sadie comes back to haunt her as a flapper girl from the Twenties. Lara doesn't even believe in ghosts, but here this girl is and she can't escape her! Sadie has a mission for Lara and she just won't stop pestering her about an old dragonfly necklace. It's a story of an unlikely friendship, a story of fashion, love, dancing, and some cringingly embarrassing moments! I do hope you enjoy it…"

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