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Поиск → Scientology 0-8. The Book of Basics

Психология  Саморазвитие  Эзотерика  Нехудожественная литература 

«Scientology 0-8. The Book of Basics», L. Ron Hubbard

Саша Петелин, Москва

Цена: 5000 рублей
Состояние: новое (книга запаяна в издательскую целлофановую пленку)

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Scientology 0-8
The Book of Basics

"Scientology is defined as 'knowing how to know' and could be better defined as 'summated and organized information about you.' It's everything that has been known about you for 2500 years at least. But it is summated so it is communicable, applicable, and gets some definite results. It can create changes for the better.
"Scientology data stands on the firm foundation of having looked, and your ability to know the subject is your ability to look.
"Man discovers he's blid. Yhen he says, 'Hey, wait a minute', and takes the veil off his eyes and takes a look. But he has a tendency to keep diving into complexities. By going in the direction of great complexity Man gets a mystery created, sinking him into a priesthood, an Establishment cult, and he goes out of communication.
"So there is one continuing stress in Scientology and that is to greater simplicity, and that means greater communication.
"The simplicity of observation, the simplicity of communication itself, is functional and will take man from the bottom to the top. And the only thing I am trying to teach you is to look."
L. Ron Hubbard


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