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Поиск → 100 selected stories

English  Foreign books 

«100 selected stories», O Henry

anchousanch, Москва

Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения.
This selection of a hundred of O. Henry's succinct tales displays the range, humour and humanity of a perennially popular short-story writer.
Here Henry gives a richly colourful and exuberantly entertaining panorama of social life, ranging from thieves to tycoons, from the streets of New York to the prairies of Texas.
These stories are famed for their 'trick endings' or 'twists in the tail': repeatedly the plot twirls adroitly, compounding ironies. Indeed, O. Henry's cunning plots surpass those of the ingenious rogues he creates. His style is genial, lively and witty, displaying a virtuoso's command of language and allusion.
This great collection offers the reader delights for the mind, imagination and emotions.

Мягкая обложка.
Состояние примерно на 4-, но, в общем, вполне ничего.

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