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Поиск → The Rise and Fall of a Domestic Diva

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«The Rise and Fall of a Domestic Diva», Sarah May

Marsha, Москва

Welcome to the upwardly mobile Prendergast Road...
Deep in Nappy Valley, among olive trees in terracotta, lower fuel emissions. Lithuanian prostitutes, teenage drug dealers, stalkers and soaring house prices, five desperate women wait...
The progeny of the IVF generation is ready to start school and only one of them is destined to get a place in Nappy Valley's most oversubscribed cradle of learning. How far will these women go to get that place?
Follow Kate Hunter as she struggles to maintain the facade of perfection. When exactly did life become a life class? Is it just possible that beneath the flawless sheen of her friends and neighbours' amazingly trouble-free lives, lie the same half-truths, the same uncertainties and the same desperation to keep up with the Joneses...?

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