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Поиск → The Copper Beech

English  Foreign books 

«The Copper Beech», Maeve Binchy

Tanya, Москва

Orion, 1993 г., 407 стр. Обложка сильно потрепанная, но на читабельность это не влияет. Дарственная надпись на 1 стр.

An old copper beech overlooks a school, and witnesses all the hopes and loves, dreams and ambitions of the children who grew up there…

Eight children once carved their names on the
trunk of the great copper beech tree which
shades the schoolhouse in Shancarrig. Now
those children are grown. They have
different lives but it was the school that
formed them and made them what they are. For each their hometown of Shancarrig holds
special memories – some too private ever to
be told.

The copper beech is the gateway to Maeve
Binchy’s marvellous portrait of a small Irish
town whose untroubled surface conceals the
passions, rivalries, friendships, ambitions and
jealousies beneath.


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