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Поиск → The Pirate

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«The Pirate», Harold Robbins

Astra49, Москва

Badyr Al Fay is one of the richest men in the Middle East and can have any woman he wants. Born in a desert sandstorm that takes his mother’s life, he is raised as an Arab, unaware of his true Israeli identity. But his life—and his fate—are controlled by two women: the woman he once loved who cannot seem to recapture his heart, and the woman searching for the father who left her many years ago. As he becomes increasingly entangled in the political web that surrounds his businesses, he must decide who he can trust—and finds both enemies and allies in the unlikeliest places.
The powerhouse storytelling of Harold Robbins shines through in The Pirate, a commanding tale of luxury and decadence, greed and passion, high finance and international intrigue against a backdrop of Mideast oil and global terrorism. Whether discovering his works for the first time or re-reading an old favorite, find out why Harold Robbins is the bestselling American author of all time.

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