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«Drupal for Education and E-Learning», James G. Robertson, Bill Fitzgerald

Levitan ( Катерина ), Москва

Create engaging learning experiences using Drupal. A friendly and clear guide from the creator of the DrupalEd distribution. This book is for anybody looking to use Drupal to support teaching and learning; more generally, the examples given in this book can also be used by anybody looking to use Drupal to publish social media. This book is not a developer's manual; you do NOT need to know code, or HTML, or CSS, to benefit from this book. People new to Drupal will find clear examples describing how to set up their site. More experienced Drupallers will find tips and tricks for extending their site, and step-by-step instructions on how to make the most.

James G. Robertson hasn't always been a developer. He started his long road to Drupal with a degree in history from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC. After not being able to find a job that could use a history degree, he went to get his master's degree in journalism and public affairs from American University in Washington, DC. While working on his degree at AU, he worked as a teacher's assistant, taught himself Drupal, and developed his first website for The American Observer, American University's graduate journalism school publication. After internships at J-Lab and the Newseum, he worked for the National Geographic Society producing content and occasionally blogging for sections of nationalgeographic.com. After a year at National Geographic, he made the move to developing websites with Drupal full-time for Bravery Corporation, a public relations and marketing firm in Washington, DC. He now works at REI Systems, an IT services company in Sterling, VA.

Bill Fitzgerald was born in 1968, and worked as a teacher for 16 years. During that time, he taught English and History, and worked as a Technology Director at the K12 level. Bill began using technology in his own teaching in the early 90s; from there, he moved on to database design and systems administration. During that time, Bill began developing strategies to support technology integration in 1:1 laptop systems, and in desktop computing environments. In 2003, Bill and Marc Poris founded FunnyMonkey, a Drupal development shop working primarily within education. Bill started and manages the Drupal in Education group on http://groups.drupal.org, and is active in various educational and open-source communities. Bill blogs about education and technology at http://funnymonkey.com/blog. When Bill is not staring deeply into computer screens, he can be found riding his fixed gear bicycle through Portland, OR, or spending far too much time drinking coffee.

Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing (28 Nov. 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1847195024
ISBN-13: 978-1847195029
Product Dimensions: 19 x 2.3 x 23.5 cm

Язык издания английский, книга дорогая.

ISBN:1847195024 , 978-1847195029

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