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Поиск → Parent swap

English  Foreign books 

«Parent swap», Terence Blacker

Marian, Москва

Интегральный переплет, 230 стр., отличное состояние
Danny Bell, 13, is the kind of kid whom nobody notices. He would rather relax in a bath and read his favorite book about birds or daydream about the comings and goings of his made-up alter ego than engage with the real world. He's no slacker; rather, he's a victim of circumstance: his father, an alcoholic former rock star, hasn't left the house in two and a half years; his older sister yells at him; his younger brother lives for cartoons; and his mother left the family to pursue her career. When the teen finds an advertisement for ParentSwap™, a business that promises to change kids' lives by resettling them with a new family, Danny decides that this might be just the opportunity he's been waiting for. Soon though, he begins to wonder if the so-called business is an elaborate ruse. The presence of surveillance cameras in the rooms of his new household and the way the organization seems always to know what he is doing–these clues point to something even fishier than a parent-switching service. The narrative is broken up by interviews with the major players in the scam; their answers to an anonymous interviewer's prompts serve as immediate foreshadowing devices and as clues to what is really going on. This humorous and ultimately tender story examines the sense of powerlessness young people can feel in a world that seems controlled by adults and pokes good fun at the unreality of reality TV.

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