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Поиск → The child who wanted to sleep

English  Foreign books 

«The child who wanted to sleep», Aldi Martin

Marian, Москва

Мягкая обложка, 92 стр., состояние хорошее, но в трети книги есть мои подчеркивания и переводы слов ручкой. Поэтому дарю - вдруг кому надо :)

"The child who wanted to sleep" tells the story of Nino, a child of the slums who loses his mother and turns to begging on Copacabana Beach near Rio de Janeiro. Unlike the other children of the favelas, Nino is not good with his fists; instead of fighting and hanging out with the gangs, he concentrates on survival, and when he has collected enough money and his stomach is full, he sleeps peacefully. It is then that his life becomes magical. In his dreams he is a star soccer player, a sheik and a rock star. Nino is an idealist, and with his friend Jesus he succeds in changing the world.
In the tradition of the greatest tales like "The little prince" "The child who wanted to sleep" will please readers of all ages.

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