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Поиск → Legends - Vol. 3. Stories By The Masters of Modern Fantasy

Фэнтези  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«Legends - Vol. 3. Stories By The Masters of Modern Fantasy», Terry Pratchett, Ursula K. Le Guin, Tad Williams, Robert Jordan

Friday Croissant, Москва

The great anthology of short novels by the masters of modern fantasy.

Robert Jordan relates crucial events in the years leading up to The Wheel of Time in "New Spring."

Ursula K. Le Guin adds a sequel to her famous books of Earthsea, portraying a woman who wants to learn magic, in "Dragonfly."

Tad Williams tells a dark and enthralling story of a haunted castle in the age before Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, in "The Burning Man."

Terry Pratchett relates an amusing incident in Discworld, of a magical contest and the witch Granny Weatherwax, in "The Sea and Little Fishes."

Мягкая обложка. Состояние среднее, на самой обложке пара загибов + излом корешка. В остальном очень и очень приятная книга (имеется даже несколько иллюстраций).


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