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Поиск → Sleeper code (2 books)

English  Foreign books 

«Sleeper code (2 books)», Tom Sniegoski

Marian, Москва

Мягкая обложка, по 280 стр., идеальное состояние

In this action thriller, a teenager loses days of his life to a debilitating form of narcolepsy. Tom believes he is asleep during his blackouts until it is revealed to him in a dream that he is actually being groomed as an assassin by a secret branch of the government. The Janis Project, as it is called, takes orphans with severe narcolepsy and gives them new, split identities: one being that of a narcoleptic child in a loving family, the other, an unfeeling, efficient killing machine. Once Tom learns of his alternate, murderous identity, the sinister leader of the project becomes bent on erasing this knowledge from his mind. If he is to escape with his life and learn just how far his deception has reached, Tom must find a way to unite both his identities. Tom is portrayed as an otherwise typical teenager, as is his neighbor and romantic interest. Other characters are equally well introduced and secrets are revealed in a way that creates suspense. Readers looking for fast-paced action and espionage will enjoy this first book in the two-part Sleeper Conspiracy

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