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Поиск → The bridesmaid

English  Foreign books 

«The bridesmaid», Hailey Abbott

Marian, Москва

Мягкая обложка, 260 стр., хорошее состояние

Abby Beaumont knows all about weddings–they make ordinary women turn into "Bridezillas." After all, her parents own a catering hall, and she and her older sister have helped with these events all their lives. The girls have sworn they will never get married, but then Carol meets Tucker Robb. Everyone, except for Abby, enters into the planning with enthusiasm and excitement. But soon her family turns into the worst of customers, bickering over nearly every detail. The characterizations are first rate–Bridezilla herself, the "evil" mother of the bride, the "poor" fiancé, the "unlistened to" father, and the bratty younger sister. Add Abby's first boyfriend and the stage is set for a humorous view of family celebrations and relationships. The plot moves smoothly as the protagonist is inextricably drawn into the preparations, and into the role of bridesmaid. At times, she seems to be the only levelheaded member of the group, even as she sometimes appears to be subtly sabotaging the big day. A fun read with a surprise twist at the end.

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