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Поиск → The Other Side of the Story

Современная литература  Юмор  English  Художественная литература  Foreign books 

«The Other Side of the Story», Marian Keyes

Leeya , Москва

The agent Jojo, a high-flying literary agent on the up, has just made a very bad career move: she's jumped into bed with her married boss Mark The bestseller Jojo's sweet-natured client Lily's first novel is a roaring success. She and lover Anton celebrate by spending the advance for her second book. Then she gets writer's block The unknown Gemma used to be Lily's best friend - until Lily 'stole' Anton. Now she's writing her own story - painfully and hilariously - when supershark agent Jojo stumbles across it When their fortunes become entangled, it seems too much to hope that they'll all find a happy ending. But maybe they'll each discover that there's more than one side to every story.

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